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This unit is constructed of thick 2 1/2" galvanized steel and is cemented into the ground for greater stability. May be ordered with your choice of 3 belt seats (red, blue, green, or yellow) or exchange one or more seats for trapeze bar or rings. Top bar, 10'9" length. Cemented height, 8'6".
Notice: Swing sets previously powder-coated, will no longer have the red powder coating. All swing set top bars will be galvanized steel.
FAQs & Videos
Assemble monkey bars. Place in the area where you want to install. Mark where the legs are. Dig holes 18" deep, 18" wide. Roughly a bag and a half of post hole cement mix per hole. Place monkey bars in holes, ensure its level. Fill holes with cement.
Can I install the Monkey Bars myself?
Yes, most customers install the Monkey Bars themselves. You will need to dig four holes (we recommend a post hole digger) and pour some quick setting cement. We also recommend having at least two adults for this project.
Will these Monkey Bars last?
Yes, these Monkey Bars are made of heavy, galvanized steel that will not rust. Many units last decades. These are solid, USA made playground equipment.
Where were these Monkey bars made?
These Monkey Bars were made here in the USA. The manufacturer has been in business for decades and is known for their high quality products.