How to Measure a Trampoline

Use the guide below to help you determine how to measure your current trampoline for replacement parts. If you are ordering a custom replacement jump bed, we will need these measurements to process your order. And if you have any questions, please contact us and we'll be happy to help!

Replacement Trampoline Jump Beds


A: Outside to outside diameter of frame. This is the typical stated measurement (i.e.: "14 foot trampoline")
B: Jump bed fabric diameter. (Do not include the v-rings)
C: Total spring count. (Count the holes in the frame where the springs attach.)
D: Spring length.  (Measure the total length of spring, end-of-hook to end-of-hook, with the spring REMOVED from the trampoline.)
How to Measure a Trampoline



A: Length of bed, not including the v-rings.
B: Width of bed, not including the v-rings.
C: Spring count along length of bed.
D: Spring count along width of bed.
How to Measure a Trampoline



A: Measure width of bed, not including the v-rings. (Measure with the weave, not on the bias)
B: Spring count per side.
C: Spring length.  (Measure total length, end-of-hook to end-of-hook, with the spring
REMOVED from the trampoline.)

How to Measure a Trampoline


Replacement Trampoline Frame Pads


A: Measure diameter of frame, outside to outside. 


How to Measure a Trampoline



A:  Measure width of frame, outside to outside.
B:  Measure length of frame, outside to outside.
C.  Measure from outside of frame to edge of bed. 

How to Measure a Trampoline



A:  Measure width of frame, outside to outside.
B:  Measure length of one flat side, center of corner to center of corner.
C:  Repeat B on a different side. 

How to Measure a Trampoline


Replacement Trampoline Springs 

Measure the trampoline spring AFTER removal from the trampoline from end of one hook to the end of the opposite hook.

Trampoline Spring