Choose a Safe, Durable Trampoline
When you consider purchasing a trampoline that your children and their friends can enjoy, you also want to be sure it’s safe, sturdy, and engineered to last for more than a few months. The people at understand what you expect when you make an investment of this sort. In fact, they have designed a product that exceeds your expectations.
Solid Frame and Frame Pad
Some trampoline frames are loose and wobbly. What you want is a well-constructed frame that is strong, rigid, and built to last for decades. The frame pad should also be durable enough to last for years. It needs to be thickly padded in case the person jumping should land on it. The frame and frame pad you choose from are the best you can buy, and they’re made right here in America.
The Bounce is in the Springs
It isn’t just the quality of the springs, although that is definitely important, but it’s also about the quantity of springs. Most trampolines have a jump weight limit of 200 to 225 pounds. products offer a 400-pound jump limit, which is partly due to the eight-and-a-half-inch springs. Depending on the size of the trampoline, the number of springs range from 88 to 120.
A Strong, Sturdy Bed
In cheaper trampolines, the jump bed, which is what you bounce on, is frequently the first part of the product to wear out. This is due to thin material and inferior sewing along the seams. The jump beds in products are made of high-grade polyprolylene with a vinyl hem around the edge and nine rows of stitching.
A Comprehensive Warranty warranties their products for a full five years, including normal wear and tear. You can’t beat that for confidence. Ask about it when you call for further informationꟷafter telling your children, yet again, to stop bouncing on your bed.