3 Different In Ground Trampoline Installation Methods

METHOD 1: Shelf 


This installation process is a new modified version of the traditional retaining wall method. Instead of a standard 3’ retaining wall, these products utilize a plastic strip that encompases the 9” frame. This frame sits on an 9” x 8” shelf that drops off into a hole that is 27-31” deep, making for a hole that is 36-40” from its deepest point to the trampoline jump mat. See images down below for visuals.

 In Ground Trampoline Installation Methods

Associated Trampolines.com Products

Avyna 10x17’, Avyna 14’, Avyna 12’, TDU 10x14’

Additional Information : This retaining wall is specifically designed for these trampolines and is not sold separately. This method works in most climates, but in areas with particularly sandy soil, we do not recommend purchasing a trampoline that utilizes the shelf method.

You can download the FREE printable PDF here.

METHOD 2: Attached Retaining Wall 


This method utilizes a more traditional retaining wall method. With these kinds of trampolines, the retaining walls consist of multiple firm plastic panels that are 28” tall and 16” wide. The panels are attached directly to the trampoline and circle the entire perimeter. After the panels are attached, the trampoline is dropped into a 3’ deep hole, and the dirt is packed in on both sides to help hold the trampoline in place. See images down below for visuals: 


In Ground Trampoline Installation Methods


Associated Trampolines.com Products

TDU 14’, TDU In-Ground Trampoline Retaining Wall & Vented Pad Combo, 12 - 16' TDU Trampoline Retaining Wall

Additional Information: The retaining wall is sold as a separate product or as part of the TDU Bundle and can be used on existing above ground or in ground trampoline frames that are at least 3’ in height. However, due to the installation process, we find that this product puts a lot of pressure directly onto the trampoline frame. Therefore, if being used on a non-TDU trampoline, we only recommend pairing this method with a trampoline that is equal or similar in quality to the 14’ TDU. This usually means a trampoline that is newer, sturdier, or cost over $1000. Using an older or lower quality frame may result in irreparable frame damage over time and needing a full replacement. This method can only be utilized on circular trampolines.

You can download the FREE printable PDF here.

METHOD 3: Separated Retaining Wall 


This method is the most common retaining wall method that is found in existing in ground trampoline set ups. This method consists of metal or wood panels that are usually 30-36” high and are attached to form a ring. For this installation process, traditionally the hole is dug, the retaining wall is assembled and placed into the ground, and then the trampoline is placed into the retaining wall. The trampoline may be attached directly to the retaining wall, but more commonly is not. See images down below for visuals. 


In Ground Trampoline Installation Methods


Associated Trampolines.com Products

All American In Ground Trampoline Wall Kit, 14’ All American, 15’ All American

Additional Information: The retaining wall is sold as a separate product and can be used on existing above ground trampolines. The installation process involves the wall holding all the rather than on the frame of the trampoline. We find this process is optimal for trampoline frames that are older or lower in quality. This method can only be utilized on circular trampolines.

You can download the FREE printable PDF here.

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